Soul University
4 Months Online & Face to Face Intensive

Date to be advised
Soul University 4.0

Sunday Sessions will include
Receiving the rites of the Munay Ki
Group healings
Cacao, connection and sharing circles
Deep transformative work
Community contributed lunch
To discuss options and set up recurring payments.
Book a free 15 min Connection Call
Total Investment- $2,200.00
Click here to pay
Payment Plans
Payment plans $2200 ($500 admin fee)
$900 a month over 3 months
$450 a month over 6 months
Soul University is a transformational Shamanic style 4-month program designed to assist you to step into your spiritual power and discover the parts of your soul ready to SHINE.
You will be gifted the energetic transmissions (rites) of the Munay Ki. The Munay Ki are the rites of the Shaman’s path of the Q’ero nation, the descendants of the Inca, the indigenous people of the holy mountains of the Andes in Peru.
These rites change the vibration of your energy field and assist you in coming into alignment with your soul’s purpose.
To maintain intimacy and connection, 10 souls only will be accepted into this program
What you can expect?
The program is run over 4 months
Face to face full day participation on the last Sunday of each month (9am – 4pm)
Group coaching calls once a month
7 archetype meditations recorded by Michelle Anne
Course material in hard copy format
Your own personal “pi stone” (to assist in the transferring of the rites and of which you will be presented with at the end of the program)
The ability to pass these rites onto other people (pending soul work and the feeding/germinating of the energetic seeds that have been received)
Fortnightly group coaching with T2S Extended Family for duration of the course
Access to Diane McKendrick Mastermind for duration of the course
Sunday Sessions will include
Receiving the rites of the Munay Ki
Group healings
Cacao, connection and sharing circles
Deep transformative work
Community contributed lunch
Get in Touch