Michelle how often do you hear yourself mumbling “Why is this so hard?”
For me – it has been a cat cry for a LONG time. A stubborn belief system and pattern that has taken a while to shift.
But slowly it’s changing. Little by little, bit by bit I can see things becoming EASIER. SIMPLE.
The recent business retreat we ran in Byron Bay really showed me how I had simplified my life. The whole retreat was fun, easy, relaxed and ran so smoothly.
Then the icing on the cake… I started searching for the next accommodation for our 2024 retreat.. This usually takes me hours and sometimes days to nail down the perfect place. It’s normally frustrating and I put the job off.
But this time – it was the second one I looked at!!! It was perfect! Right down to being located only 5 minutes from our caterer!
Want a sneak peak? It’s incredible…
Check out a few pics here.
So simple and so in alignment. Before I go, I wanted to share one little tip for you that has changed my life. I have started replacing the word “just” with “simply” It was just such a great bunch of ladies TO It was simply a great bunch of ladies! The view is just spectacular TO The view is simply spectacular! So simple but so effective. Always reminding me that life can (and should!) be easy. If you want more info on the 2024 Energetics of Business Retreat in that stunning house simply reply to this email or send me a DM. Our team will be in touch. Have a simple, easy and fulfilling week x Michelle Anne