We get to the dinosaurs at the end but in the meantime - Here is a question for you…
Who actually switches off work for the weekend? As in…
Closes their computer down?
Does not check emails?
Does not reply to messages (no matter how urgent, pressing or triggering)?
Does not talk about work?
Does not think about work?
Does not sneakily just “do a few things here and there?”
Well…I am going to be transparent here and tell you all that I have improved radically in this department but a few things still slip in. I LOVE my job so definitely find it hard not to talk about it or think about it ha ha but I am more aware of it.
I do shut my computer down now and avoid it at all costs!
But, we all own a phone so even with the best intentions I may glimpse an email or social media notification that I know is problematic.
If this happens to me, I allow myself to reply to acknowledge the message and that I will address it Monday. This allows me to put it aside and out of my brain until the work week starts without feeling rude or inconsiderate.
Unless I have an event on, I am, however, proud to say I am getting good at “switching off” WITHOUT the guilt!
It’s been a long road but I finally have my weekends back. It’s a GAME CHANGER.
This weekend I laid in bed watching a movie until 11am!! That is seriously UNHEARD of in my world. My girls made me some avocado on toast and a tea and we googled stuff about dinosaurs, the universe, evolution and then watched Jurassic Park. So good!
I now wake up Monday morning feeling refreshed, full and ready to take on the world.
Our nervous system needs the downtime and switching off is the BEST way to do this. (Although I am not sure watching Jurassic Park helped my nervous system ha ha).
If you feel your nervous system needs a RESET and you need to play catch up on your downtime – I have some AWESOME news for you.
This morning, we released a competition to nominate yourself or a friend to attend our upcoming Renew Retreat for FREE. Yes that’s right – you will win a DOUBLE LOTUSBELLE TENT for FREE!
This is an epic opportunity to taste test what we are all about. The retreat is being run down in Northern NSW (between Kingscliff and Byron Bay). The glamping tents are only 100 m from the beach and you can hear the waves as you sleep!
This retreat is like no other retreat we have run in that we are catering for both men and women and all activities will be optional. The focus is on downtime, resetting and renewing. If you wish to dive deeper, we will have some amazing workshops and activities but it’s up to you how much or how little you want to do.
And of course…the thing that isn’t optional is the amazing community we bring together! It’s what we are known for.
So get your typing fingers ready and nominate yourself or your friend (male or female) to win the free spot.
Can’t wait to see you there!

How to Enter: Participating is simple:
Follow us on Instagram @those2sisters_ @dianemckendrick @michelleannesoulhealer
Like and share our competition post about the Double Deluxe Belle Tent giveaway.
Tag a friend in the comments who would love to join you at the Renew Retreat.
️ Nominate your friend & tell us in a few words why they deserve to WIN
Important Dates:
Competition Start Date: 14 August 2023
Competition End Date: 31 August 2023
Winner Announcement: 18 September 2023